
Actions: Detail view  Back to full view

A single action in detail.
About the action rulebooks  


Actions defined by the extension Kerkerkruip Actions and UI by Victor Gijsbers
Retreating   , Going to   , Shorter going to   , Asking status   , Remembering   , Sensing   , Trophylisting   , Showing commands   , Praying   , Direction-jumping   , Equipping   , Talking to   , Plunking   , Plonking   , Ramboing   , Meatboying   , Reducing   , Testreadying   

Showing commands   (past tense shown commands)

Typed commands leading to this action


"show commands" 

Rules controlling this action

carry out    (say "The most important special commands in [italic type]Kerkerkruip[roman type] are: attack (a), parry (p), dodge (do), concentrate (c), status, remember (r), sense, pray, equip, go to. Some of the standard interactive fiction commands are: look (l), inventory (i), go, take, drop, wear, take off, read, put A in B.")